Tuesday, November 29, 2011


so excited...more than doubled the traffic on kathy k designs with the cyber monday special.  several orders and lots of convos (that is email in etsy lingo) that will hopefully lead to more orders.  i will be taking orders for christmas and hanukkah until december 9th.  thank you to all who looked, bought, and inquired.

Monday, November 28, 2011

cyber love...

well it is cyber monday and my esty shop is getting traffic unlike i have ever seen in the past three months since i officially listed my first item.  here is a pic of the view count during the day. it is such a nice number...can't wait to see where it goes by midnight when the cyber monday free shipping special ends at kathy k designs.  stay posted, i will give you the final view count tomorrow.

Friday, November 25, 2011

black friday to cyber monday...are you ready?

i am sure that most of you have experienced a black friday shopping excursion at some point in your life...crazy lines and crazier people seeking out the deal of the day from all those big box stores.  most years, i try to avoid going anywhere close to a mall on black friday (and even the two days following).  i find that the "privilege" of waiting in line to get into a store then spending $300 at the store to get the $20 gift card to spend in that same store just seems illogical to me.  however, this past friday, i did venture out to some shops, but not your typical mass merchandise kind of places...no...i was at the forum shops in caesars palace in las vegas. i had high hopes of finding a fabulous deal or two like a free body piercing with every full arm tattoo or a free 52" plasma tv with the purchase of every pair of christian louboutin stilettos...

as my luck would have it, i found no such black friday specials.  but just when we were ready to give up on our hunt, i found a rather delicious deal...50% off thanksgiving themed chocolates at max brenner.


 so i bought a few boxes of bonbons and a solid milk chocolate turkey and went on my way, happy with my little black friday treat. i am now ready for cyber monday...shopping at home while eating my bonbons. are you ready for cyber monday?

Monday, November 7, 2011

the handmade holiday pledge

if you like to give handmade gifts and want to support small businesses this year, take the handmade holiday pledge...i did.  here you can find some very unique items and talented artisans.  kathy k designs is listed there too :)
